Acute or Chronic Distress
Trauma and ongoing stress may result from an unexpected or life-threatening event, or be the result of chronic exposure to emotional and/or physical pain. Often self-medication is the first response to manage negative emotions associated with acute or chronic pain, be it emotional or physical. Psychotherapeutic intervention can produce lasting results, and create a life-long change from victim to survivor.

The goal of trauma-trouble work is to learn to live mindfully in the present by letting go of the past and embracing rather than fearing the future. It is to live "alive" and not "afraid." Research has shown quite convincingly that early trauma is a major predictor-and causal agent of both mental and medical health trouble later in life. Trauma-Trouble work involves making connections between earlier trauma and current levels of stress and dysfunction. When you are able to get underneath the truth what something is rather than what you want, or remember it to be, you can then let go of the pain and anger, replace it with empathy, and learn to identify, nurture, and celebrate strength. Trauma-Trouble can be an effective intervention for Adolescents struggling with parent abandonment or substance abuse.
Bereavement & Grief
Helping individuals process through the various losses that can occur in life. Death is only one of many life changes that can cause us to grieve. Others include life altering illness or injury, loss of the "perfect" life plan, the ending of a relationship, change of job, or letting go of a cherished phase in life.
Domestic Violence and other Victims of Crime
Therapy can help break the isolation that victims of domestic abuse and other types by violence often experience. The therapeutic environment offers a safe space for survivors to express their feelings, thoughts and fears. Through a variety of therapeutic interventions clients with PTSD, Acute Stress or other disorders related to trauma and violence can process their experiences and move away from fear and towards contentment.